My Christmas Wish

Few days from now and its 2010! I will not set any new year’s resolution since I have observed that my resolution before was only good for a few weeks… sometimes, days… (LOL). What I want to share with you is my wish list for 2010.

1. A fulfilling job. Early this month I received a text message from an agency telling me that I am pre-qualified to work in Canada. Hopefully, my papers will be worked out this February. This will be advantageous to me since my sister was already working there.

I’m offering this opportunity to God. I know He knows what is best for me.

2. A teeth brace. This was my target for 2009 but hasn’t done it since a large amount is needed. Hopefully, early next year I’ll be able to raise the money.

3. If God will not permit me to go abroad this year then I’ll finish my master’s degree.

4. A good health for everybody. (I am always praying to God for a healthy body, mind, and spirit for my family)


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